House to house lobbying of residents, claims of bully boy tactics against some of the  Charity’s residents by its own officials, these are just some of the concerns that are surfacing, and the atmosphere in the small rural village on the Surrey/Sussex border appears anything but tranquil.

WW is hearing from its mounting number of contributors, we are now at an amazing 11, after only a few weeks, – and some are claiming that all is not well in leafy Alfold.

“We really are under siege here, people knocking on the doors, asking us to send letters supporting Thakeham Homes scheme, and this week something really bizarre happened, a number of us had the Lords’ Prayer on a white sheet of paper with no name or contact details pushed through the doors. What is going on – do we have to start praying for deliverance from damned developers?” We understand the same tactics are being used in Cranleigh.”

Another villager claims there is an unhealthy friendship between one of the Charity’s Trustees who is also a borough councillor with a villager called “Oh Carol.” They say, “ it is beginning to smell very strong around here.”

Another called “Alfold fighting Back” has passed a document to WW which reveals that the Charity, Care Ashore, which  claimed at a public meeting it is “impoverished” has recently bought a bungalow on the Loxwood Road for its Chief Executive for £555,000 and has millions in reserves.

Other developers are also jumping onto the Alfold bandwagon.  A screening opinion has gone into Waverley (SO/2015/0000) for up to 60 dwellings on land west of Sweeters Copse, Loxwood Road, Alfold. There are several others revving up to put in applications too.

Whose fault is that?

No Local Plan ! 

No Defence!

No Comment.


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  1. The correct reference for Catesby Property Group’s request for an EIA Screening Opinion for Sweeters Copse is SO/2015/0009.
    The point here is that EIA developments require more detailed assessments and a more stringent process.

    There have been previous planning applications for the site. Waverley refused an application for 120 dwellings + shop & café on 7.3ha (ref. WA/2014/2413), and a previous application for 104 dwellings + primary school, retail & community facilities on 17.63 ha (Ref. WA/2013/1617) was withdrawn. Both had been issued positive Screening Opinions (i.e. EIAs were required).

    The illustrative outline Plan and Covering Letter are available on WBC’s online planning record (PARSOL) ref SO/2015/0009. The letter sets out why Turley believe that EIA is unnecessary, i.e. the proposal does not meet the 5ha/150 dwellings criteria for Schedule 2 development, but note that EIA (may be required if there are significant environmental issues, contamination, or wider (regional) impacts.
    Perhaps more importantly, the legislation does not allow large development to be ‘salami-sliced’ to avoid EIA, so if this is the first ‘stage’ of a larger proposal then EIA will be necessary for the whole development.

    At the same time, Catesby Property Group (again via agents Turley Associates) also requested a Screening Opinion for 120 dwellings on Land to the west of Folly Hill, Farnham, Ref. SO/2015/0011, with access via a new roundabout on Folly Hill at the junction with Drovers Way. It is arguable that this proposal requires EIA due to (i) the likely impact of the 5% traffic increase on Castle Street, which is within the AQMA (where a 5% threshold applies), and (ii) the inpact on the views from and setting of Farnham Castle (Scheduled Monument) and Grade II Listed Farnham Park.

    The Council has only 3 weeks to respond to Screening Requests, so the Sweeters Copse and Folly Hill SO Requests have a due date of 5th November. Hence it’d be best to submit comments before the end of this coming weekend.

    Waverley-watchers should also be aware that over the summer months WBC have issued a positive Screening Opinion and a Scoping Opinion for Dunsfold aerodrome.
    On 22nd July 2015 Waverley provided Dunsfold Airport Ltd with a Scoping Report for 1800 homes (Ref SO/2015/0008).
    The Scoping Decision Notice is at
    and the Council’s Scoping Report is at

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