Farnham election – latest?

Now – what have we here~~~~~~~~~~~~~?

Apparently Tories from all over Surrey are converging on Farnham, exactly why, you may well ask? But we couldn’t possibly comment!

Well here at the Waverley Web – you know that tangled web that was spun to expose those who practise to deceive – have been informed  that the Farnham Herald, that illustrious newspaper which  is one of the few in the country still headed by the man who earned his knighthood from ??? couldn’t be the Tories could it? – has apparently decided not to cover the local borough council  elections in any detail, just the Surrey County Council elections…

So, in the interest of fair play, we will have to do it for them.

Whilst the Waverley Web would never wish to cast aspersions against anyone, least of all a prospective borough council candidate,  we did just wonder who is – Nicholas Aldridge Le Gal who is commonly known as Nicholas Louis Le Gal Le Gal?

Could he be, no, he couldn’t possibly be,  the teenage son of Borough and County Councillor Denise Le Gal – responsible for stitching up the Farnham East Street/Brightwells scheme with Crest Nicholason and responsible for using both Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council money for the £100m scheme? Could he? No, surely not!

Because if he is, you might as well go home and get on with your knitting  Stewart Edge (Liberal Democrat) George Hesse ( UKIP  ) and Jeremy Hyman (Farnham Residents). Because you know what we said about sticking a blue rosette up the ar** of  a monkey and it would get in…well it is about to happen – unless of course the voting fodder here in Farnham  get out and vote to stop it! Of course, we couldn’t possibly comment!

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Above is the WBC  official  Farnham Castle list!

This is the complete borough council list taken from the Farnham Herald.

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6 thoughts on “Farnham election – latest?”

  1. Was that a blue Ar** fly I noticed. Of course you are quite right, let’s hope the electorate are savvy enough to vote in a worthy candidate.

    1. Fully explained and sorry that the WW had the temerity to question such brilliant coverage of all things Farnham. We have slapped our wrists severely. WW

  2. Thanks for the ringing endorsement WW, but I’m afraid we beat you to this ‘exclusive’ a week ago – http://www.farnhamherald.com/article.cfm?id=112750&headline=Candidates%20line%20up%20for%20by-elections&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2016 .
    As I explained to your reliable informer and each of his fellow candidates and election agents to-boot, we would have loved to feature profiles of all 20-odd candidates in the August 18 by-elections as we usually endeavour to do ahead of local elections.
    But given the shortage of time between the confirmation of candidates and our deadline, and our scarce resources, we very reluctantly had to limit this to the county council division (which it is also worth noting has an electorate of around 10,000 compared to the parish and borough wards’ 2,000 to 3,000).
    I apologise for falling short on this occasion but believe me, it’s quite an effort contacting each of the candidates and their agents, and pulling it all together in the space of a few days! I hope that sufficiently explains our decision making.

    1. Fully explained and so sorry that the WW had the temerity to question such brilliant coverage of all things Farnham. We have slapped our wrists for (a) putting the reply in the wrong comment box and (b) for even daring to question the fantastic FH. WW

  3. Hi Guys I am Howard Kaye and I am a candidate in the Farnham Castle Town Council by-election. I notice you have got me down as the Labour Party candidate this is only half true, I am actually the labour & Co-operative Party candidate. Regards Howard

    1. Hi Howard,
      thank you for getting in touch and glad you read the WW. Sincere apologies if we had you down as the Labour Party candidate, put two and two together and made five – sorry. Pity you lot over there in Farnham don’t get together – you know tactical voting, you may then have a chance of keeping the Tory Boy out? Isn’t it time there were some real checks and balances at “Your Waverley?” Good luck. WW

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