Care Ashore and Thakeham Homes’ boat sunk by a Government Inspector!

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There is jubilation among villagers in a  Surrey/Sussex border village as a Government Inspector throws out a scheme that could have tripled the size of ALFOLD.

Despite only a handful of residents showing up to warn of the dire consequences of dumping such a huge number of homes on a rural village, Inspector Richard Clegg, took on board their concerns as they gave a host of reasons why the appeal by Care Ashore for 450 homes should be REFUSED.

The decision  is a triumph for Alfold’s Waverley Borough Councillor Kevin Deanus, who, despite being repeatedly bullied by QC David Elvin, stubbornly  refused to accept the argument that Alfold village could not only absorb such a huge increase in its population, but would benefit from it!

The developers had argued at the two-week inquiry, that the benefits would significantly outweigh the harm, and that the provision of up to 500 new homes, together with a new village school, recreation and playground facilities, shops and a cafe, and a care home for seamen, would breathe new life into Alfold. However, the Inspector gave little weight to the need to improve the Care Ashore Charity’s facilities at Sachel Court or to the claim it would provide more  jobs.

However, he did conclude  that  Waverley Borough Council does not have a five-year land supply!

Although the Inspector took into account that a viable agricultural holding would be fragmented by covering the Care Ashore land  with housing, and there had been changes in the type, siting and mix of housing since the inquiry, this was not his main reason for a refusal.

He said his decision was based on the sustainability’  of  such a large development in the heart of the countryside.

In his opinion the site off Loxwood Road and Dunsfold Road,  was, UNSUSTAINABLE.

He also said: In addition Dunsfold Aerodrome is identified as a new settlement.

Policy ALH1 specifies that in the period 2013 to 2032 at least 11,210 additional homes (within Waverley) will be provided: at least 125 homes are to be provided in the parish of Alfold (excluding windfall development and housing in the proposed new settlement at Dunsfold Aerodrome).

(A decision on Dunsfold Aerodrome – the largest brownfield site in the borough – is expected from  the Secretary of State Sajid Javid on, or before, 17 January 2018).

While the Inspector  argued the Springbok development would have a neutral effect in respect of the Area of Great Landscape Value and would comply with planning policies concerning the availability of infrastructure, facilities and services, and would deliver environmental and community benefits, the proposal involved major development in a rural area. The sustainability of the site’s location and the effect on the character and appearance of the area were important considerations, and  he believed, the proposal would be contrary to the Development Plan when considered as a whole.

‘The appeal site is not in a sustainable location for a major residential development and would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area.’

‘I also find that the scale of housing in areas 2 and 3 would cause substantial harm to Alfold Crossways. I also attach considerable weight to the fact that it would cause an adverse effect on visual amenity at the recreation ground and on  users of the public footpath.’ 

The Inspector also threw out Thakeham Homes application for costs. The two-week hearing is rumoured to have cost ‘YW’ £100,000 and Thakeham Homes in excess of £300,000.

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Here’s the full decision: Appeal Decision 3155714

Here’s a bit of background from the inquiry Click here: 

Snippets on Springbok – Or Thakeham Homes answer to Dunsfold Park.

The controversial public inquiry to more than double the size of Alfold was forced to close early to allow another show to go on!


7 thoughts on “Care Ashore and Thakeham Homes’ boat sunk by a Government Inspector!”

  1. There is a G*d! – One down so many more to go – But I raise my Glass (it is a BIG one) to all that fought so hard for this

  2. We are so pleased for you DD and for all the people in Alfold who fought tirelessly to ensure that this awful development was given the heave-ho!
    Well done to Councillor Deanus for fighting this one, almost alone. Thumbs down to all those Alfold parish councillors who didn’t show their faces, for even a few hours at the inquiry, because they were too busy opposing the development at Dunsfold! Shame on them all.

  3. Don’t fret – they will be trousering money from their successful application to build on the Elmbridge floodplain before you know it – all thanks to the dummies at WBC!

  4. Of course they are back!!! – ONLY 99 homes this time! But no doubt they will spread like Covid-19 across the fields, in time

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