You are oh! so right E.Hosking of Milford!

You are not the only one who is worried about the way Waverley Council is being run, (ruined) Mr Hosking. There is a growing band  of Waverley residents’ who feel like you, that there is something rotten in our borough!

 WW can answer some, but not all of your questions. We know not why Waverley Mutters disappeared into a big black  hole – but suspect it was sabotaged by the council for being far too provocative. No doubt you will soon hear of, or have already heard, of  the existence of the Waverley Web – “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave….which is attempting to fill WM’s very big boots. Thankfully Journalists – like the gentleman you mention are  doing a stirling job of  informing Farnham people of the threats they face. Revealing the cover-ups, deceit and lies,  threatening the credibility of Waverley Borough Council.


Staff dissent, bullying and a climate of fear, councillors treated like mushrooms – kept in the dark – with  a shovel full of sh** thrown over them every now and again! Oh! and just in case you didn’t know the Chief Planning Officer Matthew Evans resigned and leaves next week because he,  “could not stand any more of their political crap.”  Now the Daft Local Plan is to be delayed – yet again! 

As for the comments you made about “Our Leader” – he will be replaced any time soon  – remember – you heard it here first!

16.02.18 - Concerns over how council is run.jpg

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