A controversial Alfold development described by one councillor as “crap” has gone to appeal.

But, come what may, councillors will still be invited to have their say on the scheme tonight.

Now here’s a test for Secretary of State Michael Gove’s dictate to developers to build “beautiful?”

Michael Gove said there was a need for

‘the right sort of homes and that the locals should have more of a say? 

He also said, For what it’s worth? that he is abandoning the Tory manifesto target of building 300,000 new homes p.a. saying numbers should not drive policy, and,

It is no kind of success if, simply to hit a target the homes that are built are shoddy.’

Bewley Homes’s scheme to build 80 homes off Loxwood Road was deferred due to major concerns about design issues – including Calor Gas storage tanks.
A scheme that Bramley Councillor Martin D’Arcy described as:

“One of the worst layout housing schemes I have ever seen. I thought a previous Secretary of State for housing wanted to ‘build beautiful?’ Beautiful these are not, in fact, this is a crap design, the developers are obviously clueless.”

The site where once there were fields and where wildlife ran free.
Sweeters Field 86 homes backing in part onto Chilton Close and the first phase of 5 homes called Sweeters’ Copse.

Waverley’s eastern area planners heaped insult after insult on the final scheme proposed to develop 86 homes on Sweeters Field in March. 

Back to the drawing board for Alfold development described by Bramley councillor as “ crap.!”

80 more homes on their way to Alfold as a Government Inspector hits ‘ Your Waverley’ in its pocket too!

The Waverley Web understands there are also issues over access to the second phase of development, through the first phase completed by Cala Homes!

 Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation for approval, the application was DEFERRED as members raised several concerns regarding the detailed design of the scheme and considered that amendments to the scheme were necessary.

The concerns raised by Members were:

  •  Size design and layout of the development of the road layout; 
  • Clusters of affordable housing;  Loss of amenity to 15 Chilton Close;
  • Lack of LAP or LEAP; 
  • Safety issues arising from the gas re-filling lorries; 
  • Design of the flatted building Further information was also considered necessary on the number and location of the ground source heat pumps and the location and types of external lighting.

Bewley Homes has now appealed to the government on the ground of non-determination – so along comes yet another Inspector to join the herd of Inspectors that have descended on the tiny rural village in recent years.

the very same rural village that witnesses the notorious Planning Whiz Kid Barrister Sasha White described as ‘having a wealth of shops and amenities including amazing bus service and train links.’

This week it’s only true village shop closed its doors for the last time. No milk – no newspapers – get what you can by driving along to the A281 Petrol Station?

Day 6 -Thakeham Homes’ bid to build in Alfold’s countryside.

 However, regardless of the pending appeal, and to decide how the Council proceeds, councillors will be invited tonight (Wednesday)to consider the application to issue a decision setting out

“what the Council would have done had the Council been in a position to determine the application”.

The application will be considered in the normal way, the only difference being that a non-formal decision will be issued to the applicant and the Inspectorate following the meeting. In tandem with the appeal, Officers are advised by the applicants that they are in discussions with Local Ward Councillors and residents regarding amendments to the scheme. Any changes to the scheme would be submitted under a new application whilst this current application is subject to the appeal.

 WA/2021/01856 – LAND CENTRED COORDINATES 504068 134671 EAST OF LOXWOOD ROAD, ALFOLD (Approval of Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale following Outline Permission granted under WA/2019/0745 for the erection of up to 80 dwellings (including 24 affordable) with associated landscaping, open space and SUDs (as amended by plans received 22/02/2022) Recommendation A That, subject to the completion of a Deed of Variation by 9th September 2022 to secure amendments to the affordable housing mix, market housing mix and location of the LAP, the reserved matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping be APPROVED.

One thought on “A controversial Alfold development described by one councillor as “crap” has gone to appeal.”

  1. What a waste of Council time… So Eastern Planning will be seeing the same Application as they deferred? Why not wait until Bewleys come up with something they could grant? It just smacks of Blackmail.. Grant this cr*ppy application – or we will go to Appeal, and we all know who pays the Inspector’s salary.

    At various Appeals Inspectors have made a point of saying that the number of Houses at Outline is the Maximum and the actual numbers can be changed at Reserved Matters – certainly not the case on this application, where they have rammed them in, and the Planning Officers agree, but that it is not enough to warrant Refusal as Waverley does not have 5 year Housing Supply. It makes a mockery of the whole planning system.

    I can understand them changing the housing mix at Reserved Matters which is now so at odds with the SHMA with 31% being 4 bed properties at Outline it was 15% – so nothing to do with profit??? In fact all the Housing Mix at Outine Matched SHMA… Not now and what is the Point of it all?

    1 bed OUTLINE 16 RESERVED 8
    2 bed OUTLINE 24 RESERVED 23
    3 Bed OUTLINE 28 RESERVED 24
    4 bed OUTLINE 12 RESERVED 25

    No point in mentioning the tiny Gardens or the fact that many will have to drag their bins to designated collection points on Bin Days. Or the Parking, which whilst the Total figure is ACCEPTABLE – there are very few Visitor Spaces, so watch out Sweeters Copse, not only will the new residents be driving down Your roads, but quite possibly using Your Visitor Spaces and of course Your LEAP.
    I could bang on and on about this shocking Application and the pointlessness of this Eastern Meeting – But I am on Holiday and the weather is rubbish so I wanted to vent my spleen

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