What a load of rubbish!

What an utterly depressing picture featured below – and it could be coming to the country lanes near you! Thanks to these guys.


…come up with half baked ideas that will result in scenes like this one below.


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England’s green and pleasant land – including ours here in the borough of Waverley – could become anything but if the dummies at Surrey County Council continue unabated with their plans to close our recycling centres!

Charging residents for tipping their household rubbish is one thing, reducing opening hours is another – but closing sites down altogether is ridiculous, particularly as the towns and villages have been told by Government that just like Topsy – they must grow and grow!

Fly tipping is harming the rural environs, harming animals and wildlife and the ugly heaps  of mouldy bedspreads are growing faster than fungus.

The clearing up operation has been passed more neatly to local borough and district councils than Conor Murray  can pass the ball to Jonathan Sexton. Not only are they forced to collect the stuff of other people’s lives but they have to put up CCTV cameras at the flipping tipping black spots to catch the perpetrators. Of course  once the word get around that Big Brother is watching them they move to pastures new.  A perfect example of that is the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty at Winterfold near Shere where the landowners were forced clear up the mess!

Clearing up the waste is now reputed to be costing councils nationwide £49 million a year.

So, Surrey County Council is short of cash?  RUBBISH – it has decided under the helpful guise of none other than South West Surrey Conservative Association now Ex Chairman Councillor Denise Le Gal’s good housekeeping to invest £57m of ‘our money’ in the Blightwells East Street retail and housing scheme. In a town where shops are closing due to  rapidly rising business rates forcing them out of a high street  where shoppers choke on exhaust fumes!

So whilst Dumb and even Dumber   Pictured above  continue on their reckless way – let’s all march on County Towers and dump the rubbish on our  doorsteps onto their doorsteps – and then perhaps… just perhaps … they might THINK AGAIN!



2 thoughts on “What a load of rubbish!”

  1. Trying to close the one near Cranleigh and yet building thousands of new homes -They are just Hoping DP will no doubt foot the Bill for a new site??? Not good enough WBC – When you make the Bally decision to only give residents refuse collection every 2 weeks then you HAVE to provide a safe clean place for people that have excess to dispose of it properly- I have noticed a lot more fly-tipping off the A281

  2. It is a Surrey County Council decision not a Waverley Borough Council function. However, Waverley does have to clear up all the resulting mess. Yes, the fly tipping is on the increase all over the borough and elsewhere in the county. Better have a go at Dumb and Dumber or even your very own Surrey County Councillor Queen Victoria Young!

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