Desperate times for the Tories must have arrived in Farnham?

 ‘Your Waverley’  wants to promote…

“A new approach to help us to build community cohesion and create a strong local identity. Engaging with our local communities will be at the forefront of how we will take projects forward, making sure we listen to the voices of the active and articulate, as well as the vulnerable or rarely heard.”


Q: When is a Neighbourhood Plan not a Masterplan?

A: When Farnham Conservatives desperately need Election PR.

Can you believe that Waverley Tories have decided that they need to have a new Masterplan for Farnham! So they have voted themselves another £100,000 for Consultants to come up with a vision for the next 25 years.

Hold on, didn’t the Farnham Town Council just spend £25,000+ on a plan? A plan that went to a referendum – and won a High Court Appeal – for the next 18 years? What Tory twerp thought we really need to cover all this again and in particular the years 2032 – 2039?

When most of us would like some assurances about what will happen next week!!

What else could they come up with to spend a mysterious £250,000 reserve from the Business rate pilot? Farnham Herald reports, rather tartly: “The windfall will, says the council, be used to fund “exciting community-led projects” starting with a Farnham masterplan – “looking at the town in a more joined-up way”, ensuring sites such as Brightwells and the Woolmead “work together sympathetically, with each other and the wider town”. No really! You have to be joking, it is an early April fool surely?

ummingbirdThinking up something nice and fluffy to say ahead of the local elections, Julia Potts Waverley’s very own umming bird came up with this at the Full Council meeting: “This new approach will help us to build community cohesion and create a strong local identity. Engaging with our local communities will be at the forefront of how we will take projects forward, making sure we listen to the voices of the active and articulate, as well as the vulnerable or rarely heard.”

But hasn’t the bird flown from Farnham? Is it a bird? Is it a bee? No,​ it’s Potty parachuting into Tilford.

Since when has Waverley managed to build community cohesion in Farnham?!

Well, Waverley’s Chief Executive Tom Horwood has the answer! He gave £98K to his mates at RegenCo “transforming Britain one town at a Time” (The outfit that  worked with him at East Hants to oil the wheel of Whitehill/Borden Masterplan) and call it a Place Shaping Exercise

2 thoughts on “Desperate times for the Tories must have arrived in Farnham?”

  1. No wonder that we are again faced with punitive council tax bills. When have Waverley BC engaged the Community? They contemptuously ignored the rational objections of nearly 6,000 Farnham residents, too many objections to publish, to impose and subsidise the toxic East Street over Development.

    The competent and efficacious solve problems internally. The incompetent waste time and money outsourcing. But why should Waverley BC care using the Single Party system they can always over inflate council tax?

  2. Well, it will soon be time to remind them of the contempt in which they have held us all in Farnham.

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