Be warned, errant councillors. Today​ Hadleigh tomorrow Waverley?

Oops! We almost forgot…

It’s already happened here in Waverley!

One member of ‘Your Waverley’ had his collar felt a while back before being elected to serve the people of Farnham.  Council Leader ‘Bobby’ Knowles’ friends in the force sought an ‘interview’ to put the frighteners on. So a knock on the door from the boys in blue is nothing new!

So watch out Councillor Paul Follows, Godalming’s new Lib Dem  – just read the article below! Just in case you start making a nuisance of yourself! Oops – you already have!Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 17.02.08.png

Of course, it helps if you are in the Police Federation, like ‘Your Waverley’s’ former leader Robert Knowless.  According to some of our friendly Waverley plods it’s easier to pull in the odd favour when you are one of THEM!  So the present Leader Julia Potts may not be quite so lucky?

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Oh dear! Did Surrey County Council Highways take us too literally?

There we were doing our public-spirited bit to save Godawfulming’s poor unsuspecting souls from falling down pavement potholes!

Then along comes a highway wally to fill in the offending potholes and then makes his way to Cranleigh to fill in its potholed streets – along with the roadside drains! 

However, we are aware that when God was handing out BRAINS some of those a little hard of hearing stood in the line that said –  DRAINS!

Here’s our earlier post.

Come to Surrey and visit the UK’s capital of potholes – on and off-road!


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Cranleigh electrician Ron Jimmison, who along with many others, have been complaining about the new town’s potholed streets, spotted this drain covered in tarmac after the highway wallys had made a visit! 


If at​ first you don’t succeed just keep on complaining. Isn’t it now time for you to consider this woman’s ‘serious’ complaint Tom Horwood?

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Here Ms. Wordworth is referring to the Waverley Web website.Screen Shot 2018-02-17 at 16.54.49.png

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A Touch of Frost nips the ankles of Godalming’s new boy!

A little outburst about the adoption of ‘Your Waverley’s Local Plan by Councillor Paul Follows brought a moment of theatre to The Towers when a council veteran waded in to rebuke the new boy on the block after he received a round of applause!


Never one to be outdone – The Frosty one, poked Councillor Paul in the eyes, with her increasingly blunt stick – in the hope that the voting fodder would actually believe that the past Local Plan failures, were of course, not the fault of Tory Tossers, but the Liberal Democrats!

touchoffrostIs that chattering the sound of icicles forming on the Frosty one’s lips that we hear? Is she fearful of losing yet another of her Farnham seats? Pat Frost lost her county council seat to her Farnham Residents rival, Councillor Andy McLeod last year.

We say bring those 2019 elections on!



As we all here at the Waverley Web watched the webcast last night there was a certain MADNESS in the air followed up by a Press Release from POW – the Protect Dunsfold Aerodrome group – purporting to be standing up for the whole borough! Hence the reason why we all – burst into song!

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What a night? What a week!

Protect our Waverley – rather like Donald Trump – seems to be in a tail-spin at the moment. Across the pond, The Donald is proposing to arm teachers and here in good old Waverley Bob Lees and his cronies – all 35 of them according to our headcount in the Public Gallery! – are accusing Waverley’s Executive and Full Council of acting unlawfully

‘with a gun against its head’!

Protect our little corner had the bare-faced cheek to accuse the Leader – Oh-not-so-Potty-One now – of taking their comments ‘very seriously’.  Seriously? They flatter themselves! No one takes that bunch of nincompoops seriously, least of all La Potts who, like Joan of Arc, has swept all before her and led her Council from abject and repeated failure (under her predecessors Robert Knowless and Richard Shut-the-Gates ) to triumph. It has taken La Potts less than two years to knock the Council into shape and deliver the much needed Local Plan which her predecessors had failed to deliver in over 10 years! Just goes to show what happens when you put a woman in charge – you get results and in double quick time! You go, girl!

Their brush strokes getting ever broader, ‘Protect our little corner of the Borough’ accused the Council of an ‘attitude of bravado’ and spoke of the ‘surreal experience’ of Councillors expressing serious concerns about the new Local Plan, yet then voting in favour of it’! Seriously? We all know that the Councillors – with one or two notable exceptions – all speak with forked tongues. They twitter on about the lack of merit in this planning application and that planning application and then, like the good little Tory sheep they are, they all fall into line and do as they’re told when it comes to entering the voting lobby.

‘Turkeys voting for Christmas’ according to Protect our Little Corner … Maybe that explains the poultry crisis, with no fowl to be had since KFC’s decision to switch delivery companies from Bidvest Logistics to DHL. Now we know it’s nothing to do with DHL, all the turkeys buggered off to vote at the Burys!

Here at the Waverley Web, we don’t often give advice! But on this occasion, our advice to PoW is: Give it a rest for all our sakes.’

Instead, why not start taking the anti-depressants – apparently they work – and Oxford University (not Trinity College Cambridge, owners of Dunsfold Park, we hasten to add) is recommending they be prescribed to up to a million more people. And, in the meantime, keep drinking the Red – because it fends off irritation (OK, maybe they are talking about teeth and gums but, who knows, it might just help the very sore losers get over their bitter disappointment!

Now, everyone! Down to Bet Fred, who will be laying odds on whether POW has gone really, really, mad, and having passed around the begging bowl…again…decide to issue a legal challenge – so that even more green fields across the borough can be developed!

The PoW Press release is a bit mad too- you can read it here: