Is anyone out there listening to ANYTHING that the civic society says on behalf of the people of Cranleigh?


Does anyone out there ever wonder when the planners are going to start listening to the people they are there to serve?

The Waverley Web seldom prints verbatim comments received on our posts. When we do, there has to be a very good reason. This particular comment, written by a Cranleigh resident is just that – because it has been thoroughly investigated, is accurate, to the point, and is extensively researched. It also speaks volumes so we have included it below.

We understand Adrian Clarke is a highly respected professional in his field, and as far as we are aware, he is also a highly regarded member of the Cranleigh Civic Society- which will hold its AGM on Monday 19th September.

He has spoken up on the water/sewage issues, which are stalking  Cranleigh, at numerous public planning meetings  attending numerous meetings at ‘Your Waverley’ both in public and in private.

He must  sick to death of working on behalf of the people in the East of the borough  and of being ignored. 


Or possibly and much more likely, they will start listening when people stop buying the new homes in and around Cranleigh because they are….

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Just another manic Sunday.

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No – it’s not the heavy rain or Irma – it’s just the Cranleigh scourge – more burst water pipes!

2 thoughts on “Is anyone out there listening to ANYTHING that the civic society says on behalf of the people of Cranleigh?”

  1. It is surprising that the Health and Safety Executive allows Asbestos Cement pipes to remain operational.

  2. Yes, it is. In Australia and in New Zealand where the same problems exist – they are spending many hundreds of millions of dollars on dealing with the pipes and putting the problem right.

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