Not something else Waverley would prefer we didn’t know?


With no notice, the ‘very useful and well used’ Pay By Phone service has been withdrawn suddenly, with no warning, by WBC.

We and many of our followers, wonder why? Will we be told? What is even more important, will councillors be told? And if they are, will only some be told behind closed doors?

Former copper, Councillor Kevin Deanus, Portfolio Holder for Operational Services,  said it was

“in order to protect the interests of  our customers and the interests of the council, we have taken the decision to stop providing the service, as the issues have not been resolved.”

What issues, we wonder…

Now customers will have to pay at the metre – and we know what that means don’t we..? Look back on the our post, Dick Turpin Rides Again and see for yourselves how much money was gained in 2012/13 from not giving change in the car park machines. 


Could Waverley be on the move?

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Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 17.18.56Surprise, surprise! Is it possible that Waverley Borough Council has had a  



moment and has decided to move its HQ???? We at WW have noticed on Agenda for the Executive  meeting on Tuesday December 1st that members will be asked to consider the following item…

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Perhaps you better start packing guys and gals? Any ideas on where they are going… Answers on a postcard please… or

Care Ashore or Care Assured?

careashore-logo-200_4Some very worrying claims are being made in Alfold, concerning the Charity that wants to build homes, more than doubling the size of the village.

Can it possibly be true that Care Ashore – or those  running the charity – are telling porkies about the Seafarers they claim they are caring for, and for whom they say they need more homes? It couldn’t possibly be true – or could it  that the ‘friendly charity,’ as it likes to be known and  claims to be  cash strapped,  is actually providing homes for the staff  who work there and their families.

Actual Seafarers appear be in short supply.

Trevor-Goacher-100bFrom those with their ears close to the ground, it would appear that the actual picture is somewhat different. The spin given by developers Thakeham Homes and Care Ashore’s Chief Executive, (or as he is referred to at the charity, Trevor  ‘Bully Boy’ Goacher) is not quite what it seems.Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 19.05.00

hollyoak-ownership-detailsApparently staff and family occupy the following houses No.2, No.6, No.7, No.8, No.9, No.14, No.15, No.16, No.17, No.18, No.22 and No.23 Springbok Cottages. Plus one or two staff in the Anchor Flats/Cunard Mews. Other properties on the estate once owned  by the Charity have been sold off to private buyers.

Where do you think the CEO and his wife and daughter live… in a bungalow called  Hollyoak, on Loxwood Road – bought and paid for by the Charity for £550,000, (see the Land Registry details above and below).It could also provide an alternative access to the development site off Loxwood Road.

Our best estimate is that there could be between 25 – 35 people non-Seafarers living in the Charity’s properties that are specifically meant for… yup… you guessed it… former Seafarers.

So, if you give a pound to Care Ashore – how much actually goes to the Charity to provide homes for Seafarers? Sounds to us, that the landlubbers are doing quite nicely thank you.

We do hope Thakeham Homes reveal this at the next “secret” meeting they hold with all the other developers eager to concrete over agricultural land around the Waverley villages. Because the reason they claim they need to build the homes, is to house poor old seafarers that would otherwise be homeless. Perhaps the developers or the Charity have a different spin on things? WW would like to know and are always available to  hear what they have to say.

And here they go again… Thakeham Homes  or should it be Take-em Homes, want to help another Sussex Charity to keep going… ow public spirited of them

The Cranleigh Warbler…warbling…

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It seems Waverley won’t let us share their YouTube video, but if you click the link you can find Cllr Ellis’ question between 1.07.15 and 1.07.50 on the recording.

click on this video…and you may not be mistaken in thinking the lunatics have taken over the asylum…

No really, WW hasn’t lost the plot – at least not quite…

This is a picture of the Dartford Warbler, the very same little bird that a Waverley councillor is hoping will migrate North due to climate change, so the famous habitat around Farnham can be built on…thus saving Cranleigh from developers.

Cranleigh Councillor Brian Ellis, told a WBC committee there will be a Referendum in 2017 to determine whether to leave the EU. If this were to  happen would  there be a need for sites of Special Protection, such as the habitat occupied by  the endangered little warbler in Farnham?....

Oh God if only all Waverley’s warblers could become an endangered species….dream on... 

…due to climate change, he said, the bird will fly North.  So Farnham would then lose its special protection from development, thus saving Cranleigh from developers.

Is this the same Cranleigh councillor  that together with some of his colleagues are working hard, holding secret meetings, with a gang of developers  to ensure Cranleigh does become a New Town!  He and his wife even went to the trouble for one developer, whose application for almost 300 homes was about to be refused by the officers’ under delegated powers, that he asked them to withdraw it, re-submit so he could have it called in and considered by Waverleys full planning committee colleagues!

By the way followers if you want to TWEET this please feel free. SORRY we just couldn’t help ourselves!

Well – that’s all right then. Developers off you go. Don’t build on the borough’s Brown fields or its green fields go and sling your  concrete at Farnham instead!

Oh dear we can feel a gin and tonic coming on..better have one too Councillor Ellis…before you pop out to look for Cranleigh’s little Warbler…in the mirror perhaps?



Is WBC really considering ‘the big D’?

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Could it be that Waverley  Council has discovered that it has, what every other borough in Surrey lusts after… a whopping big brownfield site – with owners who say they want to develop it? 

No! It couldn’t be… or could it?

Some of the dummies at WBC, aided by some of the great & good who live around the airfield have opposed development at Dunsfold for yonks. Some of whom are actually developers themselves. Hypocrites!

Let’s not harp on about the recent mistakes on that side of the borough (e.g. planning permission already granted on two  green fields in Cranleigh) but some may remember Waverley spending half a million pounds – (not counting officers time)  of our money, opposing the Dunsfold Eco village when it was owned by Scottie & Co, more than 5 years ago.

Now it seems our borough council  may just be listening to what 80% of the public said when consulted last year. In a nutshell the public consultation revealed residents views were:

“Don’t build on our green fields until our brown field sites have been used.” 

Could it be that finally – when it may be too late the planning officers  have got the message.. It has even been revealed that the A281 Guildford to Horsham Road, is ‘the least congested road in Surrey‘. (yeah, right!) Councillors were told that ‘congestion’ cannot be used as a reason for refusal only ‘safety considerations.’ But there you go…better late than never…let’s hope for Cranleigh and the border villages’ sake not – too late!

Surrey Advertiser… Read all about it…surreyad copy