The fight has begun for Farnham’s Famous Fearless Five.

WW wonders if anyone noticed that spiders web hanging from the ceiling in Court No 18 in the Royal Courts of Jutice on Tuesday?

The court cleaners obviously missed it, so it was an ideal spot to view the day long battle when Farnham’s  Famous Fearless Five took their fight for justice against the combined strength of “Your Waverley” and its development partner Crest Nicholson.

High Court Judge the Hon Ian William Dove QC, presided over the day long David & Goliath type  fight.

Hanging by a single threat from our tangled web pictured, was undoubtedly more comfortable  than the creaky pews those human  souls were forced to endure for five long hours with an apology for a cushion – while the clash of opposing legal brains raged. The sound of  brain cells sizzling was matched only by the sound of cash registers clocking up legal bills of epic proportions – almost all of which is funded by “Your Waverley Council Tax” and the personal wealth of…

The cast list of Claimants (David Wylde, Celia & Richard Sandars, Cllr Andy Maclead and Cllr John Williamson) their two barristers plus their Solicitor (Desmond Hutchinson of Burkill Govier) and a junior, supported by Dave Howell, Simon Bradbury and Janet Radley from The Farnham Society.

Of course Daniel Gee of the Farnham Herald was there was there, so watch out for his report.

With our spiders-eye view it looked as though WBC and Crest were out on a jolly. Kelvin Mills, Daniel Bainbridge, two more Officers, Julia Potts and a resident (Neil Farnham-Smith) turned out to support their team, along with Bruce Macarthur of Crest, plus a few young sidekicks and a couple of girls whose mobiles kept buzzing ; they spent most of the time texting, despite the “No Mobiles” signs.

WW has been told that WBC’s QC threw in the towel a while back and was hastily replaced with a Landmark Chambers Barrister, so  was it Landmark v Landmark?.

Their junior barrister was dry and often inaudible, and took the entire morning session (10.30am to 1pm) picking at case law and repeating the same weak argument, along with a good sprinkling of the usual WBC/CNS/Bainbridge porkies. By lunchtime WBC/CNS were hooked on anti-depressants.

However the QC for WBC/CNS took the first half-hour after lunch and put up a good showing, the defence’s 3 hour bash was followed by the Claimants’ QC (David Smith) for just an hour and a half. His first hour was excellent, but then he seemed to ‘wing it’, somewhat diluting the ‘public interest’ argument. We reckon the subsequent WBC/CNS junior barrister’s half-hour Rebuttal/Closing left the odds nearer 50 – 50.

There was no judgement at the end of the day and it is unlikely that a decision will be delivered until at least the end of the week. Then his Lordship’s written judgement will be circulated for comment and possible editing amongst the legal teams.

The Waverley Web will hang on in there – until a judgement is made. But in the meantime this little shutterbug is putting its money on the F’s FFF.

So lets all say a prayer, or make an incantation for those brave Farnham residents who have put their money , and their trust in British justice. 

So at the end of a good day….. off crept incy wincy spider ……………..back up the spout.Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 19.13.40.png

One thought on “The fight has begun for Farnham’s Famous Fearless Five.”

  1. “Evil is done when good men do nothing.” It is inspiring to learn that the Farnham Five are resisting the East Street steamroller, now that the concerned public of Farnham have been ignored.

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