The Sorry Advertiser goes off at half cock about Cranleigh Leisure Centre.

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Want to hear the truth about Cranleigh Leisure Centre?

The duplicitous Conservative Administration knew full well when it made its announcement that there wasn’t a dog’s chance in hell of Cranleigh getting a new Leisure Centre. It was an election ploy, due to panic seeping into the Tory fold just before the 2018 May Elections – and desperate measures were needed to dupe voters!

The new Rainbow Coalition isn’t daft, they knew exactly what the Tories were up to – and many voters saw through the Tory’s cunning ruse too and punished them for it at the polls. But sadly, many people in Cranleigh and the eastern villages couldn’t see through them and backed the Tories – Cllr Mary Foryszewski; Cllr Patricia Ellis; and Cllr Liz Townsend were returned. 

However, Liz Townsend resigned from the Tory Group and the Conservative Party, soon after the election, but so far, has been too loyal to say exactly why.

So having left the newbies holding the baby and the pool water – the Newbies on th block are determined to find a way forward – and its officers have been working tirelessly with Cranleigh Parish Council to fulfill a pledge made by a scurrilous bunch of politicians, who have been outed for both their duplicity and dishonesty. Perhaps they should have left a note on the new Leader’s desk, saying there is no money in the kitty?

Despite borrowing costs being increased, in part due to councils – like Surrey who have been flirting with financial disaster over a whole string of risky bets on retail property, ‘Your Waverley’ will find a way to provide the new leisure facilities that others promised. Despite the acute financial straits it faces.

That new model is now being overseen by Cllr Liz Townsend, who last week, was handed the prize of an Executive position and Portfolio Holder for Leisure.  If anyone is committed to ensure that Cranleigh and the eastern villages get what they richly deserve it is Liz the Biz.   A bit of a re-shuffle at ‘Your Waverley.’

So watch this space… because a new Administration is doing its utmost to ensure a new Cranleigh Leisure Centre will be coming to your area soon.

As for The Sorry Advertiser if the article goes into print, and toilet paper is in short supply … ?

Cranleigh Community Board Comments Below.Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 21.38.35.png

4 thoughts on “The Sorry Advertiser goes off at half cock about Cranleigh Leisure Centre.”

  1. Maybe we could ask for the money and ground donated to provide a new cottage hospital back!

  2. Thank you for the link Aleksandr. We didn’t put the link up as we thought it might be more confusing, but perhaps you are right.

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