Do you remember when we told you Scuba potholing was becoming the latest sporting craze?

Did you know that Surrey’s roads are now sooooooo bad, that people have begun putting sticking plaster over the cracks?

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Some are so bad, residents are taking up Potholing at weekends in the country roads.


Come to Surrey and visit the UK’s capital of potholes – on and off-road!

Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at 09.39.35.pngHowever, the Waverley Web has decided to have its very own personal gripe to-day! Why shouldn’t we indulge ourselves from time to time? South West Trains – GRUHHHH!! Along with thousands of others, we couldn’t get to work in London yesterday due to a signal failure. So we tried to get there by road and due to the gridlock on the A31 and on the A3 due to gridlock in Guildford turned around and decided to take a long walk off a short cliff!

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