Another day in the lives of Alfold folk – after a drop of rain and sewerage!

Thames Water – Extract a digit because MP Annie Milton is on the case!


Re: Your Comment – I didn’t include Thames Water in my previous Distribution List, as no one else had.

But, by all means, please pass this email into Cyril Mitkov (Local and Regional Government Liaison at Thames Water) if he was your intended Recipient.

Here’s what Alfold’s Peter Hartley wrote to his MP Anne Milton of Cranleigh and Alfold Flood Forum fame!

It is IMPERATIVE that Thames Water is made aware that the Residents of Alfold have been following the appalling mess with the Local Sewerage System which has occurred over the years. Whilst we (Residents) are grateful for Anne’s Flood Forum, Thames Water has conspicuously spent more time and effort in ‘Ducking the Issue’, rather than address the problem in a Right and Proper Manner.

We recognise that it is likely that, with the potential plethora of areas within Thames Water’s Service Area requiring Remedial Action by the authority, there is a reluctance at Board Level within Thames Water to spend money on this Specific Area. However, given that (I understand that) the Dunsfold Park Development previously attracted the attention of Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, and that the Park is owned by Trinity College, Cambridge and administered by the previous Owner, Jim McAllister (who collected a tidy £55M when he sold that Facility), and “Care Ashore” has been left “High, but not Dry” by losing its appeal for Development – there are some well-connected Organisations for this village.

Those of us who have kept a close ‘eye’ on non-events are aware that Thames Water did not even bother to add a Request for a £10M Contingency in its request for permitted Expenditure to Ofwat, in the last 5-year Application.

To end this email, I must remind Thames Water that since its ‘Solution’ (Pun intended) was to make use of the Sewerage System at the (Failed) Housing Development at “Care Ashore”, it MUST now address the problem properly. Thames Water’s own Engineers have been quite open about what is needed, so there can be NO EXCUSE for not implementing that Plan.

(Incidentally, at the outset of this issue, back in 2012, my Assessment was that the likely Remedial Costs would be £12M – slightly higher than Thames Water’s own Estimate of £10M, but then I have a successful Track Record in the Defence Engineering Industry and always included a sensible contingency for ‘unforeseen problems’ !)

If anyone reading this email thinks that I am perhaps ‘arrogantly promoting myself’, that is mean and totally incorrect description. Quite simply, I am, by birth, a Northerner, and ‘appen we believe in being ‘Upfront and Honest’. Life is too short to waste in a series of emails, simply to get across the whole ‘picture’.


Now I must be about more of the Queen’s Business.

Kind Regards
Peter (Thames Water) Hartley (I have been advised by a friend, a former Mayor of Waverley, that my nickname at Waverley Borough Council is “Peter – Thames Water – Hartley”)

(Aut viam inveniam aut faciam !)

Consultant Engineer: Systems Engineering, Science & Technology Support
UK Editor: Defense Update


2 thoughts on “Another day in the lives of Alfold folk – after a drop of rain and sewerage!”

  1. Well said Peter – About time someone Kicked the Big-wigs at Thames Water up their own drain-pipes! I feel for the poor TW Engineers – who have visited our property on numerous occasions and simply said the drainage and sewage systems in the village are ancient and need of urgent upgrades – But unless residents continue to complain then nothing changes.
    Either You find the way – or I will help you make one!!!

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