Join the ‘we cannot understand the new Waverley Planning Portal Club’, ​Mr Westcott.

Here at the Waverley Web, we advise you not to even try to navigate the New Planning Portal that the numpties at Planet Waverley have recently introduced.

Because if you do you will be totally discombobulated!

Despite complaints from the – public – local businesses – parish councils – no doubt ‘Your Waverley’ whilst quoting its mantra of openness, transparency, honesty and paying lip-service to local democracy would, if it was honest,  would actually prefer you didn’t venture into the morass of planning applications that may affect where you live/work or play! Because if you could find the information you want, you might comment on it! 

Because… if you cannot look at stuff online and you cannot stand to watch its webcast going on and off or sticking at regular intervals, then you will shut-up and put-up, bury your head in the sodden Waverley Wealden clay and behave like the voting fodder they expect you to be!  

Anyway, did you really want to know what the Woolmead in Farnham will look like `Mr Mark Westott?  Of course, it’s considerably larger than the previous Woolmead scheme, and, of course, no-one other than the developer knows it!  – Because, like you,  none of us can understand the drawings. However, we all know the Berkeley Bunnies only burrow into great big holes! Because it is only big holes for big buildings that bring home plenty of lettuce!


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3 thoughts on “Join the ‘we cannot understand the new Waverley Planning Portal Club’, ​Mr Westcott.”

  1. I think you are missing the point Not only is the Website Sh1t – But if Plans are not submitted which give the correct Info – Ie Elevations then WBC Planners are not doing thier job

    I am so angry with the WBC Website – It not only cumbsom but un Workable and possibly deliberatly so
    – Just wish this had been Our turn to tell them what we think of them – ONE year is not too far away – I hope people take note and vote accordingly – We have 1 year to hold these people to account – Make the most of it

  2. We agree with your every word Mrs Wordsworth and is it any wonder that is now drowning under the weight of Judicial Reviews. Over here in Farnham, we have a By-election on the 24th May – so let’s give the Farnham Residents’ candidate the support he deserves. Because kicking out political parties may breathe new life into this failing council. Not long now before every seat at Waverley Towers goes up for grabs. Here at the WW we cannot wait!

  3. Waverley Planning Department has always had notoriety for being a bunch of amateurs weilding ‘gone to their heads’ powers. I recall 20 years ago remonstrating about submitted application plans without dimensions, and fabricated floorspace calculations. The building control junior at the Planning Department didn’t hve a clue what they were doing. I was so unimpressed that I recall her name. E Sims.

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