Has D-Day been postponed?


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The Waverley Web understands that a decision, by the Secretary of State for Communities, Sajid Javid, may now be delayed beyond the end of January, following a decision by Historic England to award Listed Building Status to some engine running pens and the V/STOL blast grid to which the early Harrier proto-types used to be tied at the aerodrome. Apparently, this new designation has to be notified to the Sec of State as it is a ‘material change’ of status.

WW believes  this decision is unlikely to trouble the Flying Scot who made it clear from the outset  that he wanted to celebrate the aerodrome’s history by creating a museum within the proposed development. He also said he  had ambitious plans to install the aforementioned large metal plats as part of the floor of the new museum to create a longterm memorial to those who served at Dunsfold. Indeed, he went so far as to underline his good intentions by extending a warm welcome to the veteran Reg Day who approached him about creating a home for his own collection of Dunsfold memorabilia at the aerodrome. Mr Day, and his supporters, have enjoyed facilities there – provided and extended ex-gratia – for many years whilst waiting on the creation of a more permanent home.

Sadly, the Dunsfold Airfield History Society (DAHS) cannot match the Flying Scot’s altruistic generosity. Although it claims its aim is to ‘preserve those features of Dunsfold Airfield that have significant historic or architectural interest, in order to retain for posterity the unique contribution of the airfield to our national aerospace heritage’ it’s a well-sniggered  fact that the organisation has no such laudable ambitions!

An off-shoot of Protect our Waverley, tt was formed with more haste than taste and a website carelessly cobbled together in yet another disingenuous, last-ditch attempt to prevent any development at the aerodrome.

DAHS began by trying to get the entire aerodrome listed.  Having failed in that attempt it is now working its way through a list of decaying buildings and other features of potential, but in many cases very limited interest, in a desperate endeavour to delay the planning decision-making process. All in the hope that Jeremy Shunt or Mistress Milton might – particularly in light of the latest Tory Party woes – be catapulted into a position of power so that they can be persuaded to use and abuse, to their supporters’ advantage, by influencing Sajid Javid’s decision.

Whilst the Borough and its Planning Officers hold their breath, the members of PoW are hard pressed not to pee their pants with excitement at the prospect of Jeremy Shunt being elevated to Deputy PM, at which point they clearly expect him to repay those very generous donations to his fighting-fund by making it abundantly clear to the Secretary of State who’s in charge.

Forget Mistress Milton’s whip-crap-away antics, Jeremy Shunt will be the man in the driving seat. And at that point the residents of Cranleigh and Farnham will be at the mercy of the Cash & Clout brigade as never before. If they get their way and Javid genuflects to Shunt no development at Dunsfold will result in huge swathes of those market towns being concreted over as ‘Elizabeth the Business’ or Betty Boop, the planner formerly known as Liz the Biz looks about in utter despair for green field sites to accommodate Waverley’s burgeoning housing numbers.

Watch out Waverley, it’s not the Lunatics that are about to take over the asylum, it’s the Cash & Clout brigade led by those now well-known local developers OJ, AKA Charles Orange Esq, and Nick-the-Brick! You thought the only worries on your horizon were Brexit and Trump but the elevation of Shunt could well trump that as OJ and Nick-the-Brick fire up their diggers and set course for a green field near you! 

25994999_10155978788091613_6499117397665039006_n.jpgWONDER WHO WILL FILL THAT BIG BLACK HOLE?

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