Oh Carole!

singalong with Carole.

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Well! Now we all know WHY the first twenty minutes or so of the Special Executive Meeting either wasn’t webcast – or was deleted and went A.W.O.L!

Because Farnham’s Carole Cockburn threw her toys out of the pram – all over Committee Room 1 claiming Your Waverley has ‘put two fingers up to Farnham’ by  sabotaging its Neighbourhood Plan.

Now it’s not like us at the Waverley Web to accuse anyone – let alone a borough councillor, of looking a bit like the kitten below. But wasn’t it our Carole that told those poor souls over in the East of the borough just a month ago that, “whether they liked it or not – it is a different World now in Waverley etc.. 

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I’m not too faced – meow.

She was speaking at the Joint Planning Committee  Meeting when Councillor Kevin Deanus opposed a development on his little Alfold patch, a village with 200 homes in the settlement, not a town with a population of  39,000! This is her quote – you can click on the link below and read the full post. But take our word for it – she was angry, very angry, and had a face like a summons every time Alfold’s bobby opened his mouth.

Now of course she is moaning that Farnham has to take an extra 450 homes on top of  2,330 = 2,800 – and the borough council on which she sits – has Sabotaged her Neighbourhood Plan. Two faced or what? Because you know what – It’s a different World now in Waverley and that includes Farnham too!

Here’s the full quote from a meeting just a month ago!

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Read in full here: Has the Alfold Bobby’s tirade stopped the creation of Alfold New Town?

You can read her complete rant  here: Taken from the amazing Farnham Herald

17.08.24- Waverley accused of sabotage copy

One thought on “Oh Carole!”

  1. Grow Up Farnham and stop trying to throw it all at DUNSFOLD – This is NOT the Pancea you think it is because the Planners and Councillors cannot add up and make the figures work – the only mitigation they have is to Increase the Dunsfold Allocation – Really??? Have you checked with DP do they want 4000 odd homes here? will they be able to sell them? Is it viable?
    You all make me so angry I could Spit … I mentioned the Bullying tactics before and I say it again Poor KD doesn’t have a hope in hell with the Witches of the West – Hope you are proud of them!

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