What’s the magic number today Waverley Planners?

The number is 54! Yes 54 new houses headed for Elmbridge Road in Cranleigh. The decision will be made tonight (Wed 28th June; 6.30pm) at Waverley’s Joint Planning Committee. We urge you to attend and make your voice heard!

Cranleigh Waters flood warningN.B. The Met Office has just issued a Flood Warning for Cranleigh Waters: “For Cranleigh Waters, the areas affected include Elmbridge, Shamley Green and Bramley and the Littlemead Brook including Cranleigh.”
The map below shows the area between Elmbridge at the top and the blue Littlemead Brook stream at the bottom which is.. subject to tonight’s Planning Application (Planning Ref : WA/2016/1921recommended for Approval by Officers for 54 homes.

Our friends at the Cranleigh Society say: “This entire site was underwater in Dec 2013/Jan 2014 – the road, which was higher than the site, was impassable. In January 2015 about 30%  of the site was flooded. And then there’s the smell from the sewage works..” Thakeham Homes have stated that “odour is not considered to be a constraint to residential development at the site”.



Those three little blue SUD’s will be working overtime!

We agree with the Cranleigh Society – write to Anne Milton, Cranleigh’s MP and ask her to ‘call in’ this outrageous application. Email her on anne.milton.mp@parliament.uk with reference WA/2016/1921 Land South Of Elmbridge Road, Cranleigh – perhaps notice will be taken if lots of people request it!

7 thoughts on “What’s the magic number today Waverley Planners?”

  1. I fear nothing we say or do will alter the future of Cranleigh. They have signed their own death warrant because they can see only a bright blue future. No one can say I have not tried and I will try again in 2019, health permitting but there are none so blind as the Conservative voters.

  2. Don’t agree – It is the PLANNING OFFICERS that make the decision .. WBC are nothing this is pretty much already agreed. Flood zones 2 & 3 are all managable (HA HA) Have you not seen how they bully the Councillors and throw NPPF at them until they are cowed – The one councillor who does try to question anything is shouted down… and ignored – Yes I agree by a Tory Leader of the council – Not too long to wait for the next elections I For one will change my colours unless I see a change

    1. We had a golden opportunity to show what we thought of these arrogant and uncaring Tories at the latest SCC elections but unfortunately the electorate of Cranleigh chose to bury their heads in the sands and vote in a councillor with previous disastrous form. I, too, am beginning to despair – I changed my colours years ago so the only alternative is to move out.

  3. You are right about the Planning Officers, our personal experience of them is what drove us to look more closely at WBC. The bottom line is that the Councillors are supposed to represent their constituents not the Party or the officers. Since Diane James and Bryn Morgan lost their seats only Jerry Hyman has been the thorn in their side and he is treated with contempt.

  4. Let’s face it! It all over bar the shouting. Waverley’s countryside will be covered in concrete before you can say the word “mixer.”
    Read what the same inspector Jonathan Bore has directed in Mid Sussex! Which has to take a huge uplift, use strategic sites and take housing need from Brighton/Hove and the coastal towns as well as Crawley!!!
    The Waverley web’s spiders might as well shut up and put up and take up spinning. Or preferably do what many people are doing – putting up the For Sale signs and getting out!
    Why? Because no-one listens to a word we/you say.

  5. Well Deferment is better than nothing..Thanks to the Odour Tests being carried out on a chilly May day!! as for developing on Flood risk 2 land it is so stupid it beggars belief! Cranleigh fought well and it was an absolute joy to see the look on a certain planning officers face

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