Are the Liberal Democrats heading back to ‘Your Waverley?’

And there we were at The Waverley Web  thinking that it was the East’s very own whip cracking girl,  Meddling Matron Milton that called in a favour to have the Dunsfold Park planning application called in by the Secretary of State!  



And all the time she was being aided and abetted by  The West’s very own Grinning Golden Balls!

These two really must be congratulated – no wonder developers are filling their coffers with dosh!  We heard recently from one follower who personally delivered a big fat cheque to one of them on behalf of a wannabe developer! Now, they have jointly, given all those other little eager beavers, just the signal they needed to break through the dam and get going whilst the going’s good.

No doubt all those people over there in the East will think the will have an opportunity to thank Matron Annie in the usual way at the next election. But of course,  she won’t  be standing, as she’s on her way to become one of the 800  Lords-A-Leaping! As for the Hunt Ball – God only knows if he gives a damn what happens in his patch – no doubt he will just keep the inane grin on his face and head for the Big Job?

Yes, Mr Edge, the rot has really set in .  Permission given on the Green Belt in Bramley and Elstead. Two  slices of the  once sacrosanct Green Belt in Waverley gone in just one week, and one of which contained  a real sting in the tail – which will be the subject of another post!

Another planning application in for nearly 500 homes on the green, green, grass of Alfold by Thakeham Homes at Springbok (can’t even wait for its Appeal) just jump Annie’s Gun – and get in quick while the Dunsfold Brownfield scheme is slung into the ‘waiting room.’  Soon the applications will be arriving  in their droves.

Eight long years wasted by “Your Waverley” on its DAFT LOCAL PLAN and whilst the Council   Fiddles – the Borough Burns!

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3 thoughts on “Are the Liberal Democrats heading back to ‘Your Waverley?’”

  1. Much as it pains me to agree with a Liberal Undemocrat, Mr Edge is right and the only thing that will stop the rot is to unbalance the TT’s, but if it is a sheep with a blue rosette, come May Ba-lamb will be elected.

  2. I am not commenting on the above post, but I would like to ask if anyone in Cranleigh knows why earth grab lorries are going down the Alfold Road,Elmbridge, Cranleigh late in the night even past midnight? Any ideas or is this an underhand move again.

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