Are the Berkeley Bunnies about to go hopping mad?

Some Cranleigh Councillors are hoping to make the Berkeley Bunnies hopping mad  Wednesday Feb 15th, having called in a Variation of Conditions Application for the 426-home development on Cranleigh’s southern green fields.                         

“Those pesky planners get right up my burrow!”
Mine too!

The Reserved Matters application WA/2016/2160 for the 55 East End homes is Pending Decision, but is not on the Agenda.

However,  the Joint Planning Committee on  Wednesday 15th February will determine whether Berkeley Homes Application to vary conditions 18, 21 & 22 of the Outline Consent WA/2014/0912 will be determined.

Quite simply the BB’s want to build the expensive homes first which an access of Knowle Lane and then build the affordable and other market homes off an access from  Alfold Road access.

But we have heard from  our little spiders on the ground, (some times we drop down a thread from our tangled webs!) that “Your Waverley’s” Officers are recommending it be Granted, but Cranfoldians may have other ideas?

The parish council has objected saying:

No comments to make.

Parish Council

Object. The development needs to be undertaken as a whole and not phased. It was highlighted that to ensure safe access and egress across the site, the bridges could not and should not be phased, also that the SuDS are designed as whole site project and therefore the Council cannot see how they could be phased.

Members highlighted that the proposed Knowle Lane access is located on a highways wet spot which raises strong concerns.

Lead Local Flood Authority

The relevant SuDS conditions pre-date the LLFA role as a statutory consultee and are not as detailed as conditions that would be set for applications at this time.

With regard to Condition 18 and the proposed bridges, no comments to make but recommends an informative.

With regard to Condition 21, which refers to a phased drainage statement, recommends an overarching outline drainage statement be submitted for the whole site and a detailed drainage statement for each phase. Any

Needless to say the planning officers are literally, right behind, the Developers – and are supporting the revisions!

The Officers Report Says:

Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 09.38.28.png

Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 09.39.04.png

Not quite so enclosed now though is it?

Read our post: Whoops there goes another swathe of Cranleigh woodland!

you can read the full report here:

Berkeley site Aerial.jpgBerkeley 425 .jpg

2 thoughts on “Are the Berkeley Bunnies about to go hopping mad?”

  1. I may be wrong (not the first time) but I thought that when BB went to the Planning Inspectorate they were granted permission but one of the conditions was that the site should be developed as a whole not piece meal. If they are allowed to build this way there will be no guarantees of a time scale for the rest of the development, a bunch of obfuscating builders dealing with dissembling WBC planning officers, that makes a change!

  2. No you are not wrong – but you guessed! Developers can do whatever they damn well like … and get away with it, just look at Crest Nicholson and Cala Homes?

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