Is it all unravelling now?

Here’s a letter we have received from Rosaleen Egan – and we here at the Waverley Web –  – “Oh What A tangled Web they Weave when once they practise to deceive”  – agree with every single word she says.


Are the chickens finally coming home to roost?

FOR YEARS Conservative run Surrey County Council

and Waverley Borough Council have been telling

us that they are the party of fiscal management, well it is all unravelling now.

SCC tell us that they have to raise Council Tax by 15% (despite their accounts suggesting that a 5% rise will be sufficient) and WBC say that a £5 rise per band is required and this will still leave a shortfall of £1.3m.


SCC has sufficient funds to prop up an unwanted development in Farnham that is unable to attract funding from the City because it is an out of date white elephant, to pay themselves an eye watering increase against the recommendations of their own remunerations body and pay the CEO an obscene salary in excess of £200,000 while the average CEO salary in the UK is £84,000.

WBC is having to repay tenants some £400,000 after the water rates scandal and is using our tax money to fund their defence of the indefensible over the Farnham East Street development. Then there was the fiasco of the fraud where they are still refusing to explain why they thought it was ok to keep the tax payers and 38 Councillors in the dark on the ludicrous notion that there was an ongoing police investigation. Under that logic no-one would ever tell their friends and family that they had been burgled and if the whistleblower had not spoken up we, the tax payer whose money they so carelessly threw away, would be none the wiser because losing £353K is not material and therefore does not need to be recorded in the annual Accounts.

I implore people to vote come 4th May and reject these dissemblers and sheep and vote for candidates who do understand the Nolan Principles of public life and do not keep copies of them in the smallest room at County Hall and The Bury’s.

Yours Sincerely  

Rosaleen Egan UKIP SWS

9 thoughts on “Is it all unravelling now?”

  1. Surely the time is coming when all Waverley council tax payers should withhold our monthly payments in protest – say from 1st April?

    1. Unfortunately the Government have that one covered (not surprisingly). Civil insurrection isn’t that simple.

      The system ensures that you EITHER enter into an agreement with WBC to pay your Council Tax bill in installments (and keep to it), OR pay the full years’ bill immediately, OR rapidly amass punitive Court costs (with jail being the ultimate punishment).
      There is no other option.

      The argument that “they can’t jail everyone” relies on finding enough people who are willing to risk losing their life savings/equity/legacy, and even their freedom.

      For most people, that may be too much of a gamble.
      Fortunately, “there are more ways to skin a cat than choking it with butter.”

      Please note that Farnham Residents do not in any way endorse cruelty to cats.

  2. The Blackadder III episode ‘Dish & Dishonesty’ springs to mind each and everytime there is a new twist or turn in the ongoing SCC/WBC/’Blightwells’ saga. Talk about a ‘rotten borough’ (and a rotten county). These self-serving politicians are an absolute disgrace, and all deserve to be booted out at the next round of council elections. I wonder of the Surrey electorate and taxpayers knew that SCC are attempting to spend £30million propping up the Farnham East Street white elephant ? If they did, I’m sure the vast majority would vote ‘no’ to a 15% increase in SCC’s couincil tax referendum.

  3. The Blackadder III episode ‘Dish & Dishonesty’ always springs to mind each and every time there’s another twist and turn in the ongoing SCC / WBC ’Blightwells’ saga. ‘Rotten Borough’ indeed (and Rotten County, too).
    We could surely expect that if the ratepayers and electorate of Surrey knew that SCC is planning to spend a whopping £30million supporting WBC’s East Street white elephant, they would not vote in favour of a 15% council tax increase.

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