Money, money, money as Crest Nicholson sucks the guts out of Farnham.

£200m profit – not bad for a company that  almost went almost bust a few years back!

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We have just heard BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme reported that Crest Nicholson has vastly increased its  profits – up to £200 million for the past year.

These are the headlines :  ‘Crest Nicholson profits’ rise 
Reuters UK – Crest Nicholson says on track to build more homes as profits rise
The Construction Index – Crest Nicholson profits up 27%
City AM – Crest Nicholson’s profits soar despite falling house prices in London.

So why does CN need to rip off Farnham folk by claiming the profits they were to make on the Brightwells development were insufficient? Why rip off those most in need of help, those who are now denied affordable social rented homes and those elderly people who need a replacement for the Gostrey Centre in the development where transport and essential facilities are within easy reach?

This greed for an unnecessary level of profit is at the expense of all of Waverley’s Council Tax payers. Why did Waverley Council not stand up to these greedy developers and refuse them the concessions they demanded? Why did Waverley Council not put the Brightwells contract out for re-tendering to find a better value for money developer to replace CN? It all stinks!

And would you Adam and Eve it – one of the head honchos lives in Wonersh Park in the Borough of Waverley.

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