Mary had a little lamb…


Guess whose sooty foot has become embroiled in the row over the Beryl Harvey field in Cranleigh…yup you guessed ..THE Flying Dutchman.

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It certainly was a  night  to remember at the December Parish Council meeting  in Cranleigh. A part of the borough  currently   immersed in controversy.

According to a follower of WW, the acting chairman gave apologies of absence for most of the council either sick, or absent, and two who had resigned that night! Trouble at mill or what!

But more important. She made a heartfelt apology to the people of Cranleigh on behalf of the council. Wow …must be a first!

Nearly a hundred people turned out to hear Mary Foryweski  explain why the controversial issue of the Beryl Harvey Memorial field was on the agenda.  Before the public had their say, she wanted them to hear from councillors.

Every  one said  they would never, no never, contemplate allow land given by Gordon Harvey as a memorial to his wife, for use as allotments and a nature reserve – to be handed to Waverley, or anyone, for housing.

Chairman David Gill wisely stayed away, along with some of his colleagues, as their colleagues listed all the reasons why the land was valuable green space, and with the aid of a soon to be prepared Deed of Trust, would ensure the land remained safe for the purpose intended by the donor.

The visually moved, acting chairman,  said she could not understand how or why the suggestion had ever been made by the outgoing chairman prior to the May election. She promised it had never been debated, and paid tribute to former councillors Ken and Ruth Reed for preventing a recommendation from the chairman to sell the land  for housing,from being agreed at the April meeting.

New councillor Liz Townsend, of Cranleigh Civic Society, which pledges to guard the village’s green space, paid tribute to the Conservation Volunteers and the Allotment Society for their community spirit, and care of such a valuable asset. Cllr Dominic McCall said in 1972 a previous parish council  had failed to ensure the land was put into a Charitable Trust, thus protecting its future and it had passed to WBC by default in 1974. This was now being rectified.

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Mary Foryszewski Cranleigh East

Councillor Mary said:  “This should never have happened and we owe the public an apology for the anxiety, uncertainty and concern this has caused you all.  On my behalf, and on behalf of Cranleigh Parish Council, I would like to say SORRY to the people of Cranleigh and to the Harvey family.”

Residents applauded her for her humility in apologising. Saying such a ludicrous scheme, should never have been suggested. A  villager asked why in the recommendation put before the April PC meeting it had been suggested the allotments be moved onto the Bruce McKenzie Memorial Field which was part of the Cranleigh Village Hospital’s  land swap with the council? She said this was  an” outrageous suggestion.” The land was exchanged specifically for sports use to replace a sports field formerly owned by the parish.

Afterwards a Knowle Lane resident said she had been told by a former parish councillor that the  suggestion to build on the BHF had come from? Answers on a postcard to …

This was the recommendation for the new parish council prepared by the former. Perhaps someone should be saying a very big Thank you” to the former Councillor Ruth and Ken Reed or might WW suggest, asking them to come back? They served Cranleigh well.

What is the derivation of the word community  – the latin word. Cum meaning (together) – munus meaning (gift).

There we were thinking community is something more  about place and a line on a map when what it really means is togetherness.

What better gift can anyone give the community than that which is rightfully theirs. WW doubts villagers will ever forget the last meeting of CPC 2016!

WW believes it is unlikely any wannabe developers will try to pull a fast one like this in the future!

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Lies, damn lies… and statistics

Get Surrey readers will have been surprised to note that the A281 Horsham to Guildford Road didn’t even make it onto the list of the top ten busiest roads in the county of Surrey.

photo via Get Surrey

Perhaps someone should tell Waverley’s Portfolio Holder for Planning too – because Cllr Brian Adams (Con Frensham, Dockenfield & Tilford) has spouted statistics that are not borne out in fact. These inaccuracies are then reported and become the ‘Gospel According to the Press’.  Published statistics state, the average commute time during the morning rush hour was  22.5 mph across Surrey.

However, what Get Surrey didn’t tell its readers, is that according to the Department of Transport (yes, we bothered to delve into the DoT statistics to determine the true position) is that the average speed of traffic on the A281 is above 25 mph.

Cllr ‘By Pass’ Byham is right.  There is a bottleneck in Bramley – mainly caused by delivery lorries,  the same in  most other High Streets in the borough and beyond. However, he surely understand that with the Horsham Local Plan for 16,000 homes now approved, others being prepared on the Hampshire border and in Guildford, it is ineviteble – the traffic can only increase. Waverley is not an island!

An Inspector calls.

Yes Mr Edge – when are Waverley Councillors going to stand up to the Conservative Executive? It is a question posed so often by our WW followers.

When is it going to assess the implications of building the additional houses on the borough’s green fields – particularly in Farnham, Cranleigh  and the villages around. We all know they are talking in secret with developers and SCC’s Alan Young, in a bid to  persuade them to come up with enough dosh to provide the vital Infrastructure required. However, according to our informants they aren’t having too much luck. Why…because Developers, develop to make money, don’t they, and if they provide too much infrastructure small sites become unprofitable ? Got it!

Fear not Mr Edge there’s a Big Bogey man hovering over Waverley Borough Council and he is called  – The Inspector.

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How to make friends and influence people!

Or how not to…in Waverley’s case.

So busy was the Council defending its decision to increase car parking charges across the borough by 7.5 % that it turned on…would you believe…yup

The good old Surrey Advertiser – for putting up “banner headlines.” Or as it is called in some quarters – reporting the facts.

Even  Mayor –  Rubber Band waded in – hasn’t anyone told him to shut up and put up over controversial matters and open fetes  whilst he is  part of the elite Chain gang! Its called etiquette.

There they were at the Full – almost empty Council meeting – on Tuesday congratulating themselves on their efforts to persuade motorists from shopping in all the major town and village car parks in Waverley. So they put  up charges so even more people will go on line.

However, one councillor said he would like to see “a more enlightened policy”in future, to help retailers – “not commuters, though they are, he admitted, a “useful part of the community.”  One or two hours could be provided to shoppers – “free” on occasions. Sorry couldn’t name him the webcast wasn’t working – again…and thank you for calling us commuters  who battle in the traffic and try to find a seat on the train “useful.”

Then Cllr Tom Martin  chipped in with a tirade. (Shoot the Messenger we think its called) – in this case, the Surrey Ad – who, he said, had only just increased its own cover charge by 5 pence to £1.  Up shot the Mayor with his five pennorth – “not the first increase in the past few months either.” he called.

Not being one to sit idly by and not give his opinion, (obviously hadn’t heard the adage – “better to be silent and thought to be a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt,)”  Council Leader Robert Knowless said “the Surrey Ad needs to look at its own charging policy – now maybe even less people will read it.” 

Oh dear Bobby Knowless – time to go back on the beat WWethinks..might find yourself on the front page next week. By the way, the public has “choice” whether or not it buys the Surrey Ad, motorists however have no choice but to use the car parks!
